Thursday, August 6, 2020



  1. Hi Colleen!
    This may take two comment posts so I apologize if that is the case! I'm just going to list my comments by picture number and then discuss sequence and the series overall at the end.
    Photo 1: I think this is a great photo. The pops of pink and green make for a fun and colorful photo. The angle gives it an interesting composure too. Looking up at the women through the plants she is watering both shows the action but also shows up close the plants she is working with. My only critique would be if there was a different picture to open with. Maybe one of the man or women getting ready to go to the farm or getting the tools ready.

    Photo 2: This photo shows another task of weeding I am assuming. I think it adds variety both in the fact she is doing a different task than the first photo and the overall composition. This is an up close photo of just her hands. I like it. I think it adds variety to the overall composition of the series.

    Photo 3: I love the fact you can see her working hard and see a glimpse of the reward for her hard work that she is harvesting. So far I think you have a great variety of tasks she is doing. I think the fact that the focus is more on the vegetable is great and then you eyes shift to the women herself. I think its a great representation of showing the reward of getting plants/food out of her labor.

    Photo 4: I think this photo is a tad repetitive from the first. I like the composition of the up close photo and the pop of the red stems of the plant against the brown dirt. If you wanted to use both photos, I would put this one before the 3rd photo. However, I am not entirely sure you needed both since they both highlight the same general message.

    Photo 5: The lighting in this photo is fantastic. I love the contrast between dark and light as she leaves the barn or shed. I enjoy the scene around her as well with the goats and the farm land. However, for this series I am not sure what she is doing and. it doesn't tell me what's going one. Maybe this would be a good photo to start with as she heads to the farm to start/continue her work for the day. It would invite the viewer into the scene before she begins working.

    Photo 6: This photo switches the subject from the women to the man. I think this is interesting. It shows the viewers she is not alone and has help. I love the splash of green and red in the background. The shadows here are also nice but I wish I could see the mans face in this. I think you did a nice job capturing the moving water out of the hose. This photo doesn't specifically tell the viewer what is happening but shows another task of farm life. Maybe he is getting water for the plants or animals.

    Photo 7: This photos composition fits with earlier photos. The shadows contrast with the light outside. It's a continuation of the pervious photo and shows him carrying buckets out. Although both photos show a similar activity I think they work well together and show the hard work these two are doing. My only thing would be it would be interesting to see where the buckets are going. We have seen this setting already with the photo of the women so a new setting with the buckets may add more context or another layer to the series.

  2. Photo 8: This is a fun photo and shows a whole new aspect to the series. I like the hand pouring the feed down to the goats. It brings the human aspect into the photo and the pop of blue is nice. I do feel like the camera was focused on the hay above the goats. If you moved the focus to the goats and blurred the hay a little I think it would be nice. But overall, I think its a great shot that shows something new to the series. I almost want to see more of the animals that live on the farm.

    Photo 9: I really love the photos of the animals you have in the series. This is a nice sharp image of movement so good job capturing that! The photo overall is very interesting as this isn't something a lot of people do day to day. The colors are nice and the yellow shirt adds an extra pop. Plus these goats are just super cute!

    Overall: I think all of your photos were very nice and could see the composition and thought you put into them. My biggest suggestion would be to really capture a beginning and end photo. Although all of these photos are really great and are composed in a way that they match each other but also vary in composition and detail I wish there was an obvious start to the work and a end of the work day. I think the women leaving the barn would be a great first photo. It invites viewers to the farm and shows a bit of the scenery the two individuals work in. It would lead nicely into the rest of the work photos. I also think an end of the day photo would close the series more firmly. Maybe a photo of the two together putting stuff away or a photo of someone walking into the house at the end of the day. My other suggestion would be to add some more face into the photos. I know this can be hard, I struggled with this in my photos. This way viewers can see the emotions these individuals are feeling even more than they already do from these photos. I think you captured this in the last photo very well. I think the first photo you can start to see a smile on her face but would be even better if you could see her smile completely. I struggled to catch emotion is my photos. People move so fast and change faces so quickly it can be hard to capture it.
    Overall, I think your photos capture an obvious scene/mood of two hardworking individuals who take pride in the farm and enjoy what they are doing

